Peerless JAL are the leaders in Australian flooring technology, providing solutions since 1947 for the Australian Market. A new and exciting series of floor seals were developed using new hybrid technology and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes. Peerless JAL required a creative solution that encapsulated the essence of the product and transformed Hyseries into a powerful brand.
In a market saturated with cleaning solvents that can damage the environment and are bad for the users health, the Hy-series environmentally friendly range potentially could make a huge impact in the industry. The recommendation was to utilise the environmental benefit of the product in addition to it's superior safety qualities. We were asked to modernise the brand, creating a visual language to differentiate from an industry filled with clichés and poor stock photography. It was important the product could be easily identifiable throughout the industry from distributors to applicators="line-height:>
The Flowerdrop mark was created, symbolising the natural and protective properties of the Hy-series range. Inspired by the merger of nature and technology, the identity evokes natural forms and energy that represent the essence of the product line. These brand attributes were applied to other mediums and distributor posters, print advertising, product labels and a website were designed to support the product. Differing colours were applied to each sub brand in the series, assisting with customers. The result is a fresh, appealing Peerless JAL brand that creates a strong presence in store and ultimately sells more products.